Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So we'll finally, hopefully, know what it looks like, and how different (if at all) it will be. The DRDO's curtain-raiser statement for Aero India 2011 suggests that it will be displaying models of the air force and navy TEJAS Mk.2. There has been little clarity over the real design changes likely to be incorporated in the Mk.2, so to specifically mention the Mk.2 in its list of model displays suggests that there will be something to talk about. Will it have canard foreplanes? We do know that the aft fuselage will undergo changes to house the GE-F414 turbofan, but that's pretty much all we really know. Will update this post over the next few hours with more.

Hadn't thought of using the totally unofficial fan-art image above until now. It was sent to me by someone last year, but I've misplaced their details. So if you recognise your image, please let me know so I can credit you!

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